Life is not HAPPENING to you. Life is RESPONDING to you!
Offering Reiki healing sessions in person or distantly, as well as coaching or reading sessions in person, on phone or via internet.
Benefits of Reiki
The most commonly reported benefits of Reiki treatments supported by hard data are:
Reduced Pain and/or Anxiety.
Improved well being and/or enhanced quality of life.
Improved heart rate, improved blood pressure, improved immune indicators and reduced depressive symptoms.
Improved digestion, improved sleep, improved focus, improved memory, and reduced fatigue.
What Can Reiki Be Used For?
The Reiki System can benefit anyone, regardless of age, situation or state of health. The Reiki system also helps those who are healthy stay that way.
The Reiki System is part of the traditional medical model, works on all levels of one's being: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social.
The Reiki System is classified as vibrational medicine by the National Institute of Health, and there are many prominent physicians who feel that this is the medicine of the future and see Reiki being integrated into every facet of conventional medicine.
The Cleansing/Healing Process
The Reiki Energy will cause a shift in your vibration as the balance is restored. As your vibration is raised, this is how you start to cleanse or purge your system. The cleansing process affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions.
Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. This does not always take place but when it does, it's important to understand what is happening so you can support its completion.
Whenever change takes place, even if it’s a good change, a period of adjustment is necessary so that the body and various parts of your life can get used to the healthy new conditions.
Keep in mind you may need more rest and it can also be helpful to spend more time quietly contemplating your life and any changes you might need to make to support a healthier lifestyle.
The Cleansing/Healing process is typically 24 hrs and you can experience anything from being weepy, a cold, diarrhea, being emotional, going to the bathroom a lot and more. Always be sure to drink lots of water after a Reiki treatment or an attunement as you are flushing out toxins and is important to keep the body hydrated!